4th Fall School of the Hungarian Actuarial Society, November 2007

Dear Colleagues,

The Hungarian Actuarial Society will organize its 4th Fall School in November on certain capital management issues. The reason why I am writing to you at this stage is that in spite of lack of some essential pieces of information (like location, accommodation, fees) the most important facts have been finalized: the timing and the scientific program. You may want to communicate this message to your members so that interested actuaries or other professionals may make a note in their calendar. Further details will be sent as they become final.

4th Fall School of the Hungarian Actuarial Society

Time: November 9-10, 2007


Friday the 9th of November

15:00-16:30 Session1, Paul Embrechts (1): The Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk: The Basics from Basel II (An introduction to the Regulatory Framework from Basel II and Solvency II concerning Operational Risk)

16:30-17:00 Break

17:00-18:30 Session2, Thorsten Pfeiffer: Swiss Solvency Test: Principles, Experiences, Challenges

19:00 Dinner

Saturday the 10th of November

9:00-10:30 Session3, Paul Embrechts (2): The Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk: Handling Extremes (An introduction to Extreme Value Theory)

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 Session4, Paul Embrechts (3): The Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk: Some Loss Distribution Approach Models Used in Industry

13:00 Lunch

Paul Embrechts is a professor at ETH Zurich, a specialist in EVT; he held the introductory scientific plenary lecture at the last Congress in Paris

Thorsten Pfeiffer is scientific advisor for FOPI (the Swiss Supervisory Authority), formerly working for Allianz Life, GE Frankona Re, and Standard Life’s German Branch

The language of the Fall School will be English.

Kind regards

Gabor Hanak

Zamčeno: Ne
Publikováno: 29. 6. 2007
Autor: query
Kategorie:  Sdělení